"hepy valentine's day bb...love u so much..mwaahxx...qong xi fa cai"
kul 11.59 ak dpt mesej nie dr die..heheheh..ak da tetido da sbnanye...xseda mesej die sampai..ptg smlm ak penat men ngan spupu2 ak yg nk balik mekah da tu yg penat sgt sampai je umah,solat magrib tewos tido...mmm....sian die..ak tjge gak kul 1.19 tuu...so ak pun wish la jgk..hehehe...sowi cyg...nnti kte celebrate ek...heehehhe
Valentine Smile
On Valentine's Day we think of those
Who make our lives worthwhile,
Those gracious, friendly people who
We think of with a smile.
I am fortunate to know you,
That's why I want to say,
To a rare and special person:
Happy Valentine's Day!
Roses Are Red...
Roses are red; daisies are white;
Valentine, you make every day a delight.
Violets are blue; daffodils are yellow;
Valentine, you make my heart jiggle like Jello!
By Joanna Fuchs
Top of the List
On Valentine’s Day,
when I think of the people
I care about and value,
you are at the top of the list.
Like a rainbow
glistening through the rain,
like a glowing green spring
after a cold gray winter,
you are a joy and a delight.
Like a good book, a cozy fire,
or a cup of cocoa (with marshmallows),
you are a comfort to me.
I appreciate you.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
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